Weeks 6 and 7
Week 6
In Class Activity Analysis
In class we completed a group problem solving activity using
proportions, then a gallery walk, using the one stay/two stray technique. After
completing the problem, another group came, while I stayed, and they completed
a speak out loud to determine the clarity of our communication (I could only
listen). Then our group was given the option to clarify our answer
further. By looking at clarity of
answer, instead of if it was right, places a focus on process instead of the
correct answer, as well as how clear we could communicate our answers. Through
feedback from classmates, students were able to understand how to ensure
diverse groups could comprehend our math problem solving strategies, which
would help improve not only our strategies, but allow other groups to consider
different ways of solving and communicating the answer to the question. I would
want to ensure students understand how to give constructive feedback, how to
complete a speak aloud, and what active listening looked like.
Connections to Reading
Small (2013) also discusses focusing on process and understanding over numerical answers when teaching proportions and ratios. Small (2013) discussed that teachers should begin with problems that have no numerical answer, in order for students to understand ratios without the concern of finding the correct answer (p. 316). Both examples of teaching ratio problem solving focuses on acquisition of knowledge as important for understanding math concepts, instead of memorization and answer focus.
Connections to Personal Experience
In math I would often be focused on only finding the correct answer, which led to a lack of skills in ability to problem solve and communicate thinking. I never fully understood problems, but instead looked to insertion of memorized formulas to help me reach the correct answer. As I got into harder math problems, I struggled more with getting to this right answer, as I didn’t understand the process. An activity like this would have helped me change my thinking surrounding solving math problems, as well as the importance of process over product.
Impacts as a Teacher
- · Constructive feedback, peer editing (formative assessment/assessment for and as learning)
- · Process over product
- · Communication
- · Collaboration
- · Problem solving skills
Week 7
In Class Activity Analysis
In class we completed a speed
dating game using multiplication of two digits (numbers were difficult, such as
91, and 76). I struggled to complete this activity, even with the review of how
to multiply two digit numbers by hand. I found time went too quickly, and I
continually got the answer wrong, resulting in me becoming frustrated. I would
be concerned, if this is the result of this activity for me, how it would work
for my students. You would have to set a time limit to keep this kind of
activity moving at a reasonable pace, and I believe students would become
anxious and quickly disengage with the task. Connections to Reading
In Small (2013),
it discusses the importance of students using reasoning with friendly numbers
in order to solve algebraic equations (p. 383). The text then continues by
demonstrating different manipulatives that are important for supporting
students in solving equations (p. 387). These examples demonstrate a support of
student learning in a way that meets their needs and scaffolds their learning.
While this example varies from the speed dating the same concept applies.
Teachers need to ensure students are supported in their learning through
techniques like friendly numbers and manipulatives, in order to promote success
and engagement.
Connections to Personal Experience
I often would become frustrated and disengaged with tasks when they were under a time limit, or/and I felt others were succeeding while I was not. This frustration would happen during tasks such as timed multiplication tests. I know other teacher candidates have expressed their anxiety levels when timed tests were implemented. I needed teachers to reduce my anxiety through helping me learn multiplication in a different way.
Impacts as a Teacher
- · Engagement
- · Zone of proximal development
- · Scaffolding
- · Assessment as meeting the needs of students
- · Modifying work to students learning level
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2005). The Ontario
curriculum grades 1‐8: Mathematics. Retrieved from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/math18curr.pdf
Small, M. (2013) 3nd Edition. Making Math Meaningful to Canadian Students, K-8. 3rd Edition, Toronto, Nelson.
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